Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The 10 Most Annoying 1980’s Pop Culture Robots

Technology has come a long way from the dark days of the 1980′s when fingerless gloves and slap bracelets weren't considered hideous forms of fashion expression and dumping your child's entire college savings into Pogs were a sound investment that's sure to pay off in the long run. Not only were the robots of the past primitive in terms of their technology and function, but they lacked a serious quality that practically makes them as obsolete as the horse and buggy: a lack of a personality that didn't want to make humans grab something heavy and smash them until their own motherboards couldn't recognize them.
10. Ulysses from "Making Mr. Right"
In this forgotten 80's rom-com, John Malkovich plays a happy-go-lucky robotic double who tries to learn the ways of love, even though he was programmed for space travel. Just about any attempt to make John Malkovich seem human can make for a scary hour and a half of public movie viewing pleasure. Trying to make him likable under the guise that he's not human can be downright confusing, annoying and still scary since there is a slightly better chance that the robotic Malkovich will eat your face.

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