Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wrath: Washroom Graffiti

The graffiti we find in washrooms has been a recent topic of multiple conversations lately! It was mentioned that someone had completed their Masters Thesis on the differences between graffiti in Men's and Women's washrooms, and it seems there are quite a few differences indeed. Media, for one, is huge- the PURSE of a woman and how it is brought to the washroom with her most of the time is a big factor. Graffiti is written in more media in Women's washrooms, I imagine, considering the utensils found in a purse: eyeliner, lipstick, nail polish, etc. What do men write with? I only have the one side of this discussion.

Variation in subject matter is probably another one. In a recent visit to the lower section of Sneaky Dee's, it seems the graffiti-laden bowels of the establishment are completely littered in such a wide variety of notes to its viewers.

"If your not creating the Ripple of love, your creating the vacuum of shit"

"life is about the journey, don't forget!"

"Never have bangs in the summer, its a Bitch xo"

"Why is it SO hard to pee in the bowl NOT on the seat?"

We have advice on hairstyles, proper bathroom etiquette, and general advice on how to live a full, enjoyed life. Are women always trying to tell others what to do? I did find other notes, like declarations of love to various men, bands and countries, but it seemed these were far less interesting than the self-advocated advice columnists'. Illustrations were few and far between, and mostly poorly drawn. I have much curiosity now to find out what is scribbled in the men's washroom pre-mid-post business.

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