Friday, May 9, 2008

Reform of the Reform

Stephan has provoked some interest in the area of the reform of the reformed liturgy. Apologies to my lack of posting, I’ve been busy with school and the flu. Well I’m going to be blunt and state a few of my opinions on the ordinary form of the Roman rite. Basically as a future diocesan priest I will have to say it. In an personal meeting with a bishop, the question was asked, whether I believe the Novus Ordo is a valid Mass. I responded I do and that I do like it. Although I attend the Extraordinary form more often then I do the ordinary form, the ordinary form, is well the ordinary form of the Roman rite.

I know that the ordinary form is here to stay and has a future. , it is simply inconceivable that the Holy spirit would allow the church to have a substandard liturgy. I’ve served and studied several other rites apart from the Roman and I see where the ordinary from draws it’s certain “alien elements”, ie the multiple penitential rites. The way I see the ordinary form, is that it is far simpler and flexible then the extra ordinary form, but it lacks a lot of the depth the extraordinary form has. It has neither the contemplative nature of the low Mass, nor the glory of the Solemn Mass. It’s the happy medium. I particular find one aspect of the ordinary from to be very beautifully, that is the chanted doxology at the end of the Eucharistic prayer.

Now, God willing one day, I will be a priest and celebrate the Mass. As a diocesan priest, this naturally will be the ordinary form, if I am in a parish. So, how will I say it? The answer would be, the Roman way. My daily Mass, would be of coarse in English, but celebrated, almost like an extra ordinary Low Mass. That is myself as the priest, celebrating ad orientam, remaining at the altar for the whole Mass, saying the introductory rites at the altar on the epistle side. Like Stephan mentioned in a previous post, it has never been apart of the Roman liturgy, for a simple priest to preside, as thought he had the fullness of holy order, as thought he was the ordinary. My solemn liturgy will of coarse be different. I personally say, it’ either all or nothing, so I would sing the whole Mass, if it was a sung liturgy, not just certain bits. Nothing saddens me more then hearing the dialogue chanted, and then the Gospel simply read, very anti climatic. I would also prefer to sit in choir, or act as deacon if I’m not celebrating the Mass. The greatest thing a priest can do each day, is say Mass, so personally I dislike piggybacking on a concelebration as some priests like to do (No disrespect intended) .

The reformed liturgy has a future, but it also has a past. Also, not forgetting that these are my views, this is where I’m coming from, but our own personal tastes must always be tempted by charity.

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