Monday, July 9, 2007

Live Earth, Motu Proprio and Albs

On a secular note, over the weekend myself and another server from Brisbane attended the Live Earth concert in Sydney. We both had the best time, with Missy Higgins, Sneaky Sound System, Eskimo Joe and of course Crowded House being the highlights for me. Unfortunately I did not take my camera with me so dear readers you will have to go to the website and see it all there.

I dont think it will do anything for the climate, but I think it is ground breaking in raising awareness. There are no quick solutions, and there seems to be a total absence of a coherent strategy. One observation is that the Catholic Church at least has very little environmental awareness at the local level. I go into church offices that are overheated in the winter and overcooled in the summer. The waste in lack of recycling of old newsletters, cardboard boxes etc is appalling (nothing to do with palls), and in many churches do we really need lights beyond Altar and sanctuary candles on Sunday morning? All food for thought.

At the end of the concert I ate an Indian dish back at the hotel followed with a tiramasu at about 11pm. Early in the morning (about 5am) I had a dream that my parish church from my childhood (and where I had my First Holy Communion) had been converted back for celebration of the extraordinary form of the Roman Mass and the FSSP had taken over! It was then when I woke from the dream that the real dream had finally come true - that the long awaited Motu Proprio had just been released in Rome! (I dont know what contribution the Indian food had on my brain in such a dream or that the Holy Spirit was indeed speaking to me).

On Sunday we attended Solemn Mass in St Marys Cathedral celebrated by Fr Michael Stoop. It was the first time I had seen apparelled albs "in action" and we were both most impressed. (Thanks (or biretta tip to use Fr Z's term) to Roman for the quote). I thought that the "Lewisham style" is spreading. If we can spread it further to Queesland all the better!.

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