Saturday, October 21, 2006

Latin Mas Brisbane

Now just to confirm those rumours that the archdioceses has tried to suppress. Yes we do have a Latin Mass comunity up here in Brisbane and it's growing too. Fr Gregory Jordan SJ is the saintly chaplain. The Latin Mass is celebrated at 9:30am each Sunday and we have a two week rotation between a Low Mass and a sung Mass. We are lucky enough to have a nice church to celebrate Mass in, even though it is a tad small. The church is under the patronage of St Luke.

Here's the altar was it stands for the Novus Ordo Mass. A few of us at the community refer to this set up as the pumpkin.

And this is the wonderful Tridentine set up. It's a lot more open and less crowed. But due to the altar being so small we have a basic limit of 2 servers for Low Masses and 4 for sung Masses. But don't get your hopes up for the fully Solemn High Mass , due to us not being able to find a deacon and subdeacon. But if we did, I'm sure we'd be overcrowded.

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