Thursday, July 31, 2008

Liturgical Errors still being propogated

With Cooees from the Cloister being so diligent on the liturgical radar, we were able to leave the the sledging of Elizabeth Harrington's Catholic Leader columns to them. Now with Cooees' forthcoming closure, it looks as if this important ministry will fall to to Roman and myself in the future. Acceptio in crucem!

The latest serving of EH concerns liturgical literacy, which we know in our local Archdiocese is non-existent. However, she increases the illiteracy by showing up her own illiteracy. Most of the article is correct but get this. My comments are included.

One newspaper had a story about a group of young people who like to celebrate Mass in Latin “which was banned by the Second Vatican Council held in the early 1960s”. (Ah that must be the Juventutem Group)
Vatican II did not ‘ban’ Latin at all (correct) but did encourage the use of vernacular languages rather than Latin so that, as Pope John Paul II put it, “every individual can understand and proclaim in his or her mother tongue the wonders of God”. Well it didnt actually. It said that a suitable place may be allotted to the use of vernacular and then said that "care must be taken to ensure that the faithful may also be able to say or sing together in Latin the parts of the Ordinary of the Mass that pertains to them (SC n54). Next comes the real lie.
What Vatican II did ‘abolish’ was the Tridentine Mass, the Order of Mass from the Council of Trent in the mid-1570s, which was celebrated in Latin. What??! Vatican II abolished nothing - and Benedict XVI clearly said so It was replaced by the new Order of Mass with the publication of the Missal of Paul VI in 1970. Again Benedict has clearly stated that with the promulgation of the Missal of Paul VI the older form was not "juridicially abrogated and consequently, in principle, was always permitted." Where and when appropriate, this order of Mass may be celebrated in Latin, or in any of more than 300 languages spoken by Catholics around the world - a wonderful sign of unity in diversity. Note how the emphasis is on the vernacular.

She goes on to say :

Finally, and this will give the conservative bloggers something to get upset about, Cardinal Pell is not the ‘Head of the Australian Catholic Church’ as the media constantly claims. Well we already know that, not that I consider myself a conservative blogger. But why is she taking a swipe at conservative bloggers?? (Well he is a Cardinal, honorary primate and metropolitan of Australia's most important see.... All he needs is to be president of the episcopal conference and he's the main man. He's also big.... an Ex footballer.....Roman433)

Certinaly the aim is to provide disinformation out to the Catholic community in :
  1. misreading and misinterpreting Council documents
  2. suppressing information and providing lies to the Catholic Community
Will someone please put this woman straight and provide sound liturgical information!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

The French in Brisbane

Last Sunday, we had the French contingent that was present at Juventutem come up and spend a few days with us, up here in Brisbane.The presence of Fr Jean-Cyrille Sow, FSSP, based in St-Etienne near Lyon and Fr Eric Iborra, from the archdiocese of Paris, enabled us to have a Solemn Mass.
Our Choir was also augmented by a few French Pilgrims. Following the High Mass, Fr Iborra, said his private Mass, with one of our new up and coming servers serving. We held a warm reception in honor of these pilgrims, in the traditional Aussie way, with a BBQ!
Finally once all was said and done, we all parted ways. Juventutem and WYD 2008, for us now are officially over, we all have grown as a result of such a life changing experience. As the French have said to us, "See you in Madrid!"

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

World Youth Day 2008

I’m back. After two weeks in Melbourne and one week in Sydney I have finally returned to Brisbane. World Youth day, was Dynamic… It wasn’t stagnant, it was full of surprises. In this post I’ll just write up a few things just off the top of my head, I’ll something to a bit of contemplation before I decided to share them on the blog.

Truly it was an amazing time, being surrounded by so many young Catholics. Jeremy from Singapore, Emmanuel from Switzerland, Ewee, Greg and Jessica from the USA , just to name a few. The company of the Latin Mass community from Melbourne was much appreciated all those fun adventures with Omar, Tara, Jude, Dane, JP, Roman and Friska. Meeting fellow bloggers was also enjoyable, look forward to more blogs being added to the blog roles.
The saddest part of all was the farewells.

Liturgically it was just a wonderland, four pontifical masses at the faldstool, one at the throne, solemn vespers, solemn vespers at the throne, four solemn high masses and a multitude of low masses, I was privileged to serve. The highlights much have been the Low masses said simulations at three altars and serving for a mass with out a congregation for a newly ordained priest, ad orientam. Several pontifical blessings and even a few from the Pope I was the proud recipient and even the first blessing of a priest.

Needless to say, my Gothic surplice and Gothic alb were used quite frequently.

World Youth day was amazing. My many Thanks and prayers for all those that contributed financially to my trip, your help was much appreciated, especially after my luggage failed to arrive.

Christus Vincit!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Artic Winds

One week has past here, with my presence in this city. I find my time being spent presently. JP is still busily working away on the preparations for the grand ceremonies of Juventutem. I am quite looking forward to wearing a cope and a few other goodies for my roles in the ceremonies. The Latin Mass community here in Caulfield, has quite a different dynamic then what I am used to. Liturgically it is superb, but the community doesn’t seem to have the same zing that Burranda has, something I am starting to miss. Last Sunday, we had two African priests in choir, certainly a new experience for us, times like these show us truly how universal the church is.

The Dress standard of the people here is a big higher then Brisbane, most probably due to the climate. I have found my usual standard of casual with track pants coming under fire. I quite enjoy making the most of my scarf’s, gloves and jackets, which do not get used too often up in sunny old bris. I have borrowed a coat from the family I am staying with, much to my delight.

I have explored many more parts of Melbourne and now I am quite confident with using the public transport system by myself. Trams I find particularly enjoyable and convenient. It really is amazing to contemplate just how south I currently am. When I was relaxing over a coffee with a friend at Brighton, I just struck me, the horizon south from the city, is quite literally the edge of the world (Bar Tasmania and Antarctica).

The eyes of the world are turning their gaze upon Australia, the great southern land. Peter is coming……

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Blog post

Currently I am enjoying the urban surroundings of the city of Melbourne. The city is a curios change from the relatively small and clam Brisbane. The city looks grayer then what I am used too, there is more hustle and commotion then sunny old Brisbane. The weather is cold and windy (I left 23 degrees for this!). I find my self in a bit of a tight situation; I packed for the duration of 3 weeks, for fairly cold weather, but not this cold , my Kingdom for a coat.

What am I doing in Melbourne I hear you ask? I’m here in this fair city, to spend one week of holidays, one week with the Juventutem program, then a further week in Sydney for the main course of world youth day. As I type this post, JP Caulfield’s illustrious Master of Ceremonies, is also busy typing away on server manuals for the several pontifical masses that will occur with the Juventutem program. Exciting is it not?

So far in my stay in Melbourne, I have busied myself with socializing, clothes shopping with women (2 years off purgatory), thurifing for a high mass ,watching the gripping cliff hanger of the 4 series of Dr Who and being a loyal patron of Subway.

I Hope to provide our readers here with updates on the happenings of Juventutem.