As you can see they were 3 other concelebrants with Fr John.
Fear not there are still more photos coming.
Victimae Paschali To the Paschal victim
laudes immolent Christiani. may Christians offer songs of praise.
Agnus redemit oves: The Lamb has redeemed the sheep;
Christus innocens Patri The innocent Christ
reconciliavit peccatores. has reconciled sinners to the Father.
Mors et vita duello Death and life have clashed
conflixere mirando: in a miraculous duel:
dux vitae mortuus, The Leader of Life is dead,
regnat vivus. yet reigns alive.
Dic nobis Maria, Tell us, Mary,
Quid vidisti in via? what did you see on the way?
Sepulcrum Christi viventis, I saw the tomb of the living Christ,
et gloriam vidi resurgentis, and the glory of His rising,
Angelicos testes, The angelic witnesses,
sudarium et vestes. the shroud and His clothes.
Surrexit Christus spes mea: Christ, my hope, has risen:
praecedet suos in Galilaeam. He will go before his own into Galilee.
[Credendum est magis soli [More trust should be placed
Mariae veraci In truthful Mary
Quam Judaeorum Than in the deceitful
Turbae fallaci.] Crowd of Jews.]
Scimus Christum surrexisse We know that Christ has truly risen
a mortuis vere: from the dead.
Tu nobis, victor Rex miserere O Conqueror and King, have mercy on us.
Amen. Alleluia. Amen. Alleluia.
The Exsultet just as I promise. Fr Prior chanted it in this exact tone, I think he's been hanging around with a few Dominicans far too often.